Culture Clash comes about when trying to bring
faculty and students from different disciplines together to work
on interdisciplinary innovation projects. In this case study, the
professors tried to combine teams from four very different
disciplines into one functional unit. Each team had four students;
one from a design program, one from engineering, an honors
business student and an honors student in some other discipline,
a “wildcard.” In each case, the students come from a college
with its own strong culture.
Index Terms—
Collaborative innovation, corporate clients
and mentors, interdisciplinary student teams, and
multi-disciplinary faculty.
P. M. Lane is with the Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State
University. Allendale, Michigan 49401, USA (e-mail: lanepa@gvsu.edu).
Cite: Paul M. Lane, "
Culture Clash Unleashing Creativity in the Innovation
Process: Managing Collaborative Innovation," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 265-271, 2017.