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Abstract—The basic objective of mathematics education is to stimulate one’s intuition and logical thought process. Since the intuition is fuzzy, one cannot be confined to two–valued logical thinking. There should be some natural exposure to develop aone’s mathematical thinking in fuzzy -valued logical way so that one may be able to express their intuition in terms of multivalued logic instead of two valued logic to make them athematics system more flexible and adaptable.
Index Terms—Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy set, Classical Mathematics,Multi-valued Logic, Two-valued Logic.
Priyanka Kaushal is working as Senior Lecturer in Department of Mathematics of Rayat and Bahra College of Engg. & Bio-Technology forWomen, Mohali, Punjab (INDIA).
Neeraj Mohan and Parvinder S. Sandhu are associated with Departmentof CSE & IT, Rayat and Bahra Institute of Engg. & Bio-Technology, Mohali,Punjab, India. Email: erneerajmohan@gmail.com,parvinder.sandhu@gmail.com
Cite: Priyanka Kaushal, Neeraj Mohan and Parvinder S. Sandhu, " Relevancy of Fuzzy Concept in Mathematics," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 312-315, 2010.