Information extraction has attracted the attention of many researchers. Some studies have addressed practical uses of information extraction and scientific challenges arisen from it. Researchers have proposed approaches like as information fusion to address it. Information fusion includes a process of transmitting information from multiple heterogeneous sources into single one. On the other side, using on time, accurate and strict information affects disaster chain management, efficiently. In this case, obtained information from multiple heterogeneous sources should be fused properly to produce transparent reports. Therefore, we study different researches for information fusion to show significance of transparency in disaster chain problem. Then, we do a literature review on disaster chain studies to show how previous studies have done in absence of transparent information. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions for the future studies are proposed. The study of information flow in disaster chain reveals that besides traditional approaches which has focused on imprecise or inconstant information, new methods should be developed to deal with other aspects of information uncertainty like as inconsistency, vagueness and ambiguity.
Index Terms—
Disaster chain, transparency, information fusion, heterogeneous data, imperfect data, uncertainty.
The authors are with School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: dhoseinnejad@yahoo.com, mehrabad@iust.ac.ir).
Cite: D. Hosseinnezhad and M. Saidi-mehrabad, "
Data Fusion and Information Transparency in Disaster Chain," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 152-159, 2018.