Literature review of public buying behavior is
gradually expanding; however, there is still a gap of this field in
Southeast Asian countries in general and Vietnam for specific.
For that reason, this research from the guidance of previous
organizational buying behavior studies developed a theoretical
framework and hypotheses in order to examine whether the
factors of organizational, purchase importance and level of
supplier trust affected emotions of the organization, which in
turn influenced the organizational behavior on its supplier
choices. The result drawing from 421 respondents working in
various educational institutions of Dong Nai province, Vietnam
did confirm the direct impacts the three factors on
organizational buying decision; whereas emotions of
organization exerted its mediating role on the set of relationship
effects. Implications from this paper would be applied for both
current local and regional institutions to implement and turn
into practical management activities in their buying decision.
Index Terms—
Organizational emotions, organizational factor,
organizational purchase decision, purchase important, supplier
The authors are with the School of Business, International University,
VNU-HCMC, Vietnam (e-mail: mnkhuong@hcmiu.edu.vn,
vyly.iuerd@gmai.com, thanhtuan.vp@dongnai.edu.vn).
Cite: Mai Ngoc Khuong, Ly Tran Thao Vy, and Nguyen Thanh Tuan, "
The Effects of Organizational Influence, Purchase
Importance and Trust on Public Purchase Decision — A
Mediation Analysis of Organizational Emotions," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 276-283, 2017.