Abstract— The discussion of quality entails a variety of views and orientations of the different people, things and the way it defined. Previous investigations do not give much evidence on how precisely quality management practices (QMPs) affect organizational performance and it remains questionable. Furthermore, there is no a clear consensus on the comprehensive model for QMPs and organizations were blurred to adopt the real QMPs model in orders to avoid its unsatisfied outcomes. This paper presents the interrelationships between QMPs, human-oriented elements, and organizational performance. Through this approach, the implementation of QMPs has a direct impact on organizational performance and human-oriented elements as well as mediating effect of human-oriented elements on the links of QMPs and organizational performance. Little known about studies that has tested all these variables in a single model of QMPs and organizational performance. This gap has generated a new call for a research to simultaneously examine the influence of these variables in the service sector using a structural equation modeling.
Index Terms— Quality management practices, human-oriented elements, structural equation modeling, organizational performance.
Abd Rahim Romle is with the College of Law, Government & International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: abd. Rahim@uum.edu.my).
Razli Che Razak was with Universiti Utara Malaysia. He is now with the Registrar Department of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia (e-mail: razlicr@umk.edu.my).
Abdul Shukor Shamsudin is with the College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia (shukor@uum.edu.my).
Cite: Abd Rahim Romle, Razli Che Razak, and Abdul Shukor Shamsudin, " Mapping the Relationships between Quality Management Practices, Human-Oriented Elements and Organizational Performance: A Proposed Framework," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 196-201, 2015.