Abstract— Existing Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) provide promising perspectives to support business processes. However, numerous processes are still defined with hard-coded process logic. Accordingly, the resulting workflow applications are both complex to design and costly to maintain. The main reason of this problem is that many processes are data-driven; i.e., evolution of process instances depends on values of data elements. Therefore, process models have to be sufficiently integrated with the underlying data structure, in order to allow processes to manage the control flow and data. Opus system project offers a comprehensive association between data and processes, in order to provide not only a generic processes support, but also generic activity details become possible. This paper presents typical properties of existing data-driven WfMSs, which we collected after an exhaustive literature study, and it elaborates to what degree these systems are able to satisfy the problems addressed by our Opus project.
Index Terms— Data-driven workflow, process modeling, process analysis and verification, data-driven execution of processes.
Nahla Haddar is with the Faculty of Economic Science and Management, Sfax 3018, Tunisia (e-mail: nhaddar@ymail.com).
Mohamed Tmar and Faiez Gargouri are with the Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia, Sfax 3021, Tunisia (e-mail: mohamed.tmar, faiez.gargourig@isimsf.rnu.tn).
Cite: Nahla Haddar, Mohamed Tmar, and Faiez Gargouri, " Opus Framework: Research and Evaluation," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 222-228, 2015.