• ISSN: 2010-0248 (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Innov.  Manag. Technol.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJIMT
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jin Wang
    • Managing Editor: Ms. Nancy Y. Liu
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    • Article Processing Charge: 500 USD
IJIMT 2016 Vol.7(3): 90-95 ISSN: 2010-0248
doi: 10.18178/ijimt.2016.7.3.651

Transforming Enterprise Computing Platform: Analysis and Transformation Framework

Settapong Malisuwan, Dithdanai Milindavanij, and Noppadol Tiamnara

Abstract— Rapid advances in cloud, mobile, social media and big data technologies are changing the ways that people work, and disrupting every industry. The inter-dependencies between mobile computing, social media, cloud computing, and big data technologies is called ‘The Third Computing Platform’. Industry cloud platforms have already emerged in a wide variety of industries, including telecommunications, finance, retail, healthcare, logistic and manufacturing. The emergence of the Third Platform across different industries can create new types of digital disruption and transformation. Therefore, today, competitive advantages are being built by integrating cloud, mobile, social and big data technologies. To response to these dynamics, enterprises and organizations in both private and public sectors are undertaking digital transformation initiatives to sustain and gain more their competitive advantages. The objectives of this paper are to study the next-generation computing platform (The Third Platform) and propose a transformation framework to help an enterprise to implement the successful transformation. To achieve the objectives of the research, this paper uses both primary and secondary qualitative data to create the enterprise transformation framework.

Index Terms— Transformation, computing, platform, enterprise, framework.

The authors are with the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), Thailand (e-mail: settapong.m@nbtc.go.th, dithdanai.m@nbtc.go.th, noppadol.t@nbtc.go.th).


Cite: Settapong Malisuwan, Dithdanai Milindavanij, and Noppadol Tiamnara, " Transforming Enterprise Computing Platform: Analysis and Transformation Framework," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 90-95, 2016.

Copyright © 2010-2025. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology. All rights reserved.
E-mail: ijimt@ejournal.net
Published by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press)