Abstract— Due to the low cost and environmental concern, virtual office is possibly the most promising alternative rather than in a physical office space. In this study, we proposed a framework named “Virtual Office Model” by using information and communication technologies (ICT) tools. In this virtual office model, in where people (designers, engineers, manager, and other employee) will be able to perform their task from their residence or any place using some modern technology like computers, mobile etc. So the industry based on our model doesn’t require any big office space. We have attempted to define virtual office and examine major virtual office elements that link organizational systems. The application of virtual office in manufacturing, production and service operations is examined, and a new virtual office model is proposed. Finally, we summarize our findings and conclusions.
Index Terms— Virtual office, e-commerce, ICT, traditional industry.
Md Badiuzzaman is with the Mangrove Institute of Science and Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh (e-mail: bodiuzzaman116@gmail.com).
Md. Rafiquzzaman is with the Department of Industrial Engineering Andmanagement (IEM), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh.
Cite: Md. Badiuzzaman and Md. Rafiquzzaman, " Development of “Virtual Office Model” Software for Entrepreneur and e-Management," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 41-45, 2016.