Abstract—There have been relatively few studies on the appeal of social media when used in conjunction with higher education courses due to the fact that social media in itself has been a relatively new phenomenon. Even though some researchers have claimed that because the use of social media in education blends both informal and formal learning environments, those courses encourage students into the habit of critical thinking and engagement in course topics. On the other hand, there have also been studies that disputed those findings indicating that the use of social media in education has actually inhibited positive learning results. The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of current generation of university business management students toward courses that incorporate social media as an educational tool, thereby, to provide some valuable insights into the use of social media to university instructors.
Index Terms—Social media, internet, e-education, social networking, online.
Zachary Wong is with the Sonoma State University, California, USA (e-mail: prof.zachary.wong@gmail.com).
Cite: Zachary Wong, " Social Media as Higher Education Instruments in Business Administration," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 295-299, 2015.