Abstract— This study aimed to identify and analyze the factors affecting employee loyalty. Quantitative approach was employed with statistical techniques applied, including factor analysis, multiple regression, and path analysis. The unit of analysis was at individual level with the sample size of 283 employees working for marketing agencies in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on the empirical results, this study showed that ethical leadership, ethic-based contingent reward leadership, employee ethical promotion and employee ethical prevention had positive effects on employees’ loyalty. Besides, both of the ethical leadership and ethic-based-contingent reward leadership indirectly affected employees’ loyalty.
Index Terms— Ethic-based leadership, employee’s loyalty, regulatory focus factor, Ho Chi Minh City.
Mai Ngoc Khuong, Vo Anh Linh, and Vo Minh Duc are with the School of Business, International University, VNU-HCMC, Vietnam (e-mail: mnkhuong@hcmiu.edu.vn, anhlinh4320@gmail.com, mr.vominhduc@gmail.com).
Cite: Mai Ngoc Khuong, Vo Anh Linh, and Vo Minh Duc, " The Effects of Transformational and Ethics-Based Leaderships on Employee’s Loyalty towards Marketing Agencies in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 158-165, 2015.