Abstract— The purpose of this study is to hypothesize and test the relationships between transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, trust and organizational citizenship behavior. A sample of 710 nurses completed survey measures. The results showed that transformational leadership was significantly related to knowledge sharing and trust. Moreover, knowledge sharing and trust were significantly related to organizational citizenship behavior. Hence, the findings from this study advance understanding of the relationship between them. The implications of the results contribute profoundly meaning to researchers and practicing managers. Transformational leaders emphasize on the meaning of tasks that subordinates engage in at work. It appears that by transformational leaders may also be demonstrating trust by their subordinates, therefore creating opportunities for them to significantly impact their work, which could lead to higher levels of OCB.
Index Terms— Knowledge sharing, organizational citizenship behavior, transformational leadership, trust.
Rose Su-Jung Lin is with the Department of Nursing, Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Keelung, Taiwan (e-mail: rsjlin@gmail.com).
Jui-Kuo Hsiao is with Center for General Education, Kang-Ning Junior College of Medical Care and Management, Taipei, Taiwan (corresponding author: Jui-Kuo Hsiao; e-mail: rgshaw@knjc.edu.tw).
Cite: Rose Su-Jung Lin and Jui-Kuo Hsiao, " The Relationships between Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behavior," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 171-174, 2014.