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Abstract—In the present research work, study has been done on performance management system applied in Endurance private limited, Maharashtra in India. In this 60% of the respondents are agree that environment & relationship during review meetings are open & cordial. Besides these 20% are strongly agree with these. 60% of the respondents strongly agree that analysis & review of Performance are significant. Most of the employees are of the opinion that performance management system is strongly needed and it carries a very high impact on performance of the employees. This system should also be continuously reviewed and if there is a need, it should be changed as per the need.
Index Terms—Performance, management, efficiency, laziness,relationship
Cite: Geeta Kumari, Neha Kaleramna and K.M.Pandey, "Study on Performance Management System of Private Companies: a Case Study of Endurance Pvt. Ltd. Maharashtra, India," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 1, no. 5, pp.521-526, 2010.