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Abstract—E-mail technology, has become one of the requirements of human lives for correspondence between individuals. Given this, the important point is that the messages, server and client of e-mail and correspondences that exchanged between different people have acceptable security, to make people sure to use of this technology. In the information age, many of financial and non financial transactions are done electronically, data exchange takes place via the internet and theft and manipulation of data can make exorbitant cost in terms of integrity, financial, political, economic and culture. E-mail correspondence in there is same and it is very important. Email risks and methods of securing them has been studied by different people, but the question of how to set up security for your organization's e-mail and securing which of risks has not been investigated so far. Because of our national view, in this paper we use the categories provided by the institute of information technology of Iran. We combine these categories and list of the risks, then we have offered new classification of securing risks of e-mail based on the type of organization.
Index Terms—Email, security, risks of email, organizations and security of email, securing email.
S. H. Raja is with the DSP Research Institute, Tehran, Iran (e-mail:hosseinraja@dspri.com).
Cite: Seyyed Hossein Raja,"Securing Risks of Electronic Mail Based on the Type of Organization," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 246-249 , 2012.