The paper presents the growth of Computer &
Communication (C&C) technologies in the past decade, 2005
–2014, using patent data in the matured United States (US)
market and investigates the association between growth and the
sale of patents in different C&C patent classes. The results
demonstrate a striking 978.29% and 487.65% growth in
information security (US class 726) and financial data
processing (class 705) areas over the past decade, both belonging
to the computer hardware and software category. Mapping of
trend with sold US patents during 2006-2008, does not show
more sales in the growing patent classes and not all classes sold
more demonstrate higher growth. The pulse or digital
communication space (class 375) for instance is the highest sold
patent class but has relatively lesser growth in the past decade.
The information storage component represented by class G9B,
show lesser growth as well as lesser sale, indicating the death
phase of the technology component. The implications and
reasons for the results observed are discussed.
Index Terms—
Computer & Communication, patent class,
patent sale, technology growth.
Pratheeba Vimalnath and Anjula Gurtoo are with the Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (e-mail:
pratheeba@mgmt.iisc.ernet.in, anjula@mgmt.iisc.ernet.in).
Cite: Pratheeba Vimalnath and Anjula Gurtoo, "
Trend and Sale of Computer & Communication Patents in
the United States," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 325-331, 2017.