The financial behavior bias is influenced by the
personality and individual investor demographics. Method of
subject block within random experimentation design is done in
this study. The pretest and posttest were first done in Semarang,
then outside of Java, i.e. North Sumatra and North Sulawesi, to
represent the number of individual investors outside of Java.
The purpose of this study is to create a model of the behavior of
individual investors in Indonesia. A model of decision making to
buy or sell stocks is based on personality and demography.
The results of this research is a portfolio of assets which is a
combination of 2 or 3 shares. With the outcome of the research
we expect to know the optimum stock development. The
dominant personality of investors in this study tend to be peace
maker and precisionist, as the result of the combination
between the Dominance (self-confident, self-reliant, assertive,
direct, active, dynamic, capable of leading, adventurous,
supportive or innovative), Steadiness (friendly, patient, sociable,
quiet, sympathetic, outgoing and friendly), and Compliance
(faithful, diligent, resourceful, realistic, serious, sensitive).
Index Terms—
Individual investors, portfolio, DISC,
Elizabeth Lucky Maretha Sitinjak is with the Accounting Department,
Economic and Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University,
Semarang, Indonesia (e-mail: lucky@unika.ac.id).
Kristiana Haryanti is with the Psychology Faculty, Soegijapranata
Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia (e-mail: kristiana @unika.ac.id).
Wisnu Djati Sasmito is with the Management Department, Economic and
Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia
(e-mail: wisnu@unika.ac.id).
Cite: Elizabeth Lucky Maretha Sitinjak, Kristiana Haryanti, and Wisnu Djati Sasmito, "
Model Behavior of Individual Investors
Based on DISC-Personality and Demographics
in Indonesia Stock Market," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 320-324, 2017.