This paper introduces the current situation and
problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in the
development, and then get the relevant data of patent
information demand of small and medium-sized enterprises of
our country through the investigation of literature and websites,
collecting relevant statistics about patent information personnel
information demand of enterprises. Secondly showing the
demand of enterprises on patent application, patent type, patent
management system, the implementation of the patent, patent
information training in a pie chart and the proportion of the bar
graph and form and analyzing it combined with the specific
cases. Finally, according to the above contents, the paper
analyzes the patent information requirements and the problems
of SMEs in great detail.
Index Terms—
Patent information, needs, enterprises, small
and medium sized.
The authors are with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Jiangsu, China (e-mail: 243074784@qq.com).
Cite: Pengfei Ji, Xiaozhu Zou, and Zhi Li, "
Analysis of Patent Information Needs of Small and
Medium Sized Enterprises in China," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 272-275, 2017.