Abstract— Good quality of the knowledge-based innovation training process is a challenge for training system. What is needed is evaluation of how well the training system explores business training process. This study aimed to integrate lean service life cycle and Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS) with European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and quality function deployment (QFD) in order to evaluate the critical training service quality factor for business performance. The case study and experiment compared with lean/non-lean were discussed. The findings also allude to the exploration strategy for evaluated five groups in TTQS training certification.
Index Terms— Training assessment system, EFQM, lean service life cycle, knowledge innovation.
R.-Y. Chen is with the Department of Business Administration, Aletheia University, Taiwan (e-mail: a168.cloudy@msa.hinet.net).
Cite: Rui-Yang Chen, " Knowledge-Based Innovative Lean Service Life Cycle Evaluation Model for Training System," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 171-176, 2016.