Abstract— The ultimate goal of any world-class swimmer is to break a record, and technology enables that accomplishment. Using 40 years of data at the individual, national and international level, we identify the quantitative impact that innovation has had on the number of record breaks. We find small but statistically significant impacts on both the number of breaks and the interval between breaks.
Index Terms— Innovation, negative binomial, Poisson, record, sports, swimming, technology.
E. Claire Preston is with the Sunny Lion, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA (e-mail: clairepreston1011@gmail.com). Daniel K. N. Johnson is with the Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, USA (e-mail: djohnson@coloradocollege.edu).
Cite: E. Claire Preston and Daniel K. N. Johnson, " Fastest in the Pool: The Role of Technological Innovation on Swimming Record Breaks," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 353-357, 2015.