Abstract— This paper described to create an effective knowledge organization system based on “urban historical buildings,” including analytic knowledge features of urban historical buildings, knowledge organization system being used to describe the urban historical buildings, definition of the relationship groups, searing for the relation factors, etc. Such a system can be used to index and classify the research direction of urban historical buildings and served for users on the internet to important application.
Index Terms— Chinese library classification (CLC), knowledge organization system (KOS), knowledge organization system of urban historical building (UHB-KOS), Urban historical building (UHB).
The authors are with Wuhan University/Library, Wuhan, China (e-mail: yufei@lib.whu.edu.cn, mzhan@lib.whu.edu.cn).
Cite: Fei Yu and Meng Zhan, " How to Create Knowledge Organization Systems in Urban Historical Buildings — Take Wuhan University as an Example," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 217-221, 2015.