Abstract— There has been a shortage of relevant studies concerning women leadership styles in private sector in Jordan in particular. The aim of this study was therefore twofold: (i) to identify the different leadership styles of women in the private sector in Jordan and (ii) to identify if there are differences between men and women leadership styles in private sector in Jordan. A quantitative study (questionnaire with 352 employees) was conducted in order to achieve the study objectives. The results showed that women in private sector in Jordan frequently displayed various leadership styles as perceived by their followers such as Idealized influence (attribute), and Inspirational motivation styles. Some other styles were displayed fairly often such as Contingent reward, Intellectual stimulation and Idealized influence (behavior). Moreover, the study found that there was a significant difference between women and men in two styles the transformational and the passive avoidant. Several recommendations were suggested based on these findings that may improve the effectiveness of women leadership in private sector.
Index Terms— Jordan, leadership, women, private sector, managers.
Basil Alzougool is with Ahmed bin Mohammad Military College, Doha, Qatar (e-mail: b.alzougool@gmail.com).
Khadiga Elbargathi is with Canadian University of Dubai, UAE (e-mail: k_albargathi@yahoo.com).
Hiba Habib is with Social Security Corporation, Jordan (e-mail: hiba_habib@Hotmail.com).
Basma Khalaf is with Ernst & Young, Jordan (e-mail: khalafbasma@gmail.com).
Dima Al-Qutub is with PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), Jordan (e-mail: dima_qutub@hotmail.com).
Cite: Basil Alzougool, Khadiga Elbargathi, Hiba Habib, Basma Khalaf, and Dima Al-Qutub, " Women’s Leadership Styles in Private Sector in Jordan," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 166-173, 2015.