Abstract— This work provides an insight into John Stacey Adam’s Equity Theory, Richard C. Huseman et al.’s Equity Sensitive Construct Theory and suggests three main motivational behaviours for the development of a IPTV platform (Kaltura) based on Free and open Source Software-benevolent (the giver), equity sensitive (the neutral) and entitled (the taker). In that, it suggests the Equity Sensitive Construct Theory as the major theoretical concept for individuals’ motivation to take part in Free and Open Source Software projects. The Equity Sensitive Construct Theory directly correlates to Adam’s Equity Theory and campaigns that a person behave oneself homogeneously, yet individually in contrasting ways to an apparent equity/inequity —since there are three different classes of individual preferences. This paper suggests that it is well possible to relate psychological models to describe how a group of people or an individual is driven to complete a task: different academics have gathered very good examples that have been verified empirically. However, in the example of the F/OSS movement, this writing considers the motivations of the collaborators as secondary. The primary reason is that the organisations are taking advantage of new technologies to acquire cheap / free labour.
Index Terms— IPTV, Kaltura, equity theory, sensitive construct theory, free and open source software.
André A. Gomes de Souza is with the London School of Economics and Political Science, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom (e-mail: a.a.gomes-de-souza@lse.ac.uk).
Cite: André A. Gomes de Souza, " What Is the Role of the Sensitive Construct Theory in Free and Open Source Software Development?," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 474-478, 2014.