Abstract— Along with the development of technology, the use of the internet is also increasing rapidly. The development of technology leads to the online product selling. The music industry in Indonesia which has decrease also utilize the internet in the sales of its product in order to increase sales volume, because by making use the internet can make consumer more easier to make purchases anywhere and anytime. The purpose of this study is to determine factors affecting consumer buying decision online of music product. The populations of the research are internet user who also music lover in Jabodetabek area in Indonesia, with the number of respondents are 150 respondents. Data were obtained through questionnaires, and analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The result showed that distribution and environment variables are more affecting consumer as consideration to make a decision to buy music product online.
Index Terms— Consumer buying decision, environment, e-commerce, marketing mix.
Reni Diah Kusumawati and Teddy Oswari are with the Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Jl. Margonda Raya 100, Indonesia (e-mail: {reni_dk, toswari}@ staff.gunadarma.ac.id).
Tristyanti Yusnitasari is with the Musi Rawas Institute, Palembang, Jl. Yos Sudarso KM 13 Lubukkupang-Lubuklinggau, South Sumatera Indonesia (e-mail: maulana_57@yahoo.com).
Cite: Reni Diah Kusumawati, Teddy Oswari, and Tristyanti Yusnitasari, " The Influence of e-Commerce on Music Product in Indonesia," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 490-493, 2013.