Abstract— Past research has used various views and theories to probe into the causes of entrepreneurial success of micro enterprises. However, at present, views based on different levels have been neglected. From the perspectives of social networks, cooperation behavior and the use of information sources at the enterprise level and at the entrepreneur level, this study explored the effect of the innovative behavior of micro enterprises on entrepreneurial success, in order to find the academic implications of cooperation behavior and the use of information sources in micro enterprises on entrepreneurial success, and to provide suggestions for practical application.
Index Terms— Micro-entrepreneurial, cooperation, information, consumer, family, innovation.
Chaiyu Tu is with Department of Business Administration, Ming Chuan University (e-mail: drchiayutu@gamil.com).
Cite: Shiuh-Nan Hwang, Chiayu Tu, and Jen-Shyang Chen, " Exploring Cooperation Behavior and Use of Information Sources in Micro-Enterprises," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 300-302, 2013.