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Abstract—In this paper the analysis of flow at Mach number 2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth flow in the duct. Here there are three primary pressure ratio chosen for the enlarged duct, 2.10, 2.65 and 3.48. The area ratio is taken as 2.89. The study is analyzed for length to diameter ratio of 1.24 and 6. The nozzle used is a conical one with Mach number 2.4 at exit. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 4 is sufficient for smooth flow development keeping in view all the three parameters like base pressure, wall static pressure and total pressure loss.
Index Terms—area ratio, base pressure, conical nozzle, Mach number.
Cite: K.M.Pandey and Sushil Kumar, " Flow through Nozzle in Sudden Expansion in Cylindrical Ducts with Area Ratio 2.89 at Mach 2.4: A Fuzzy Logic Approach," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 305-311, 2010.