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Abstract—Course timetabling is the NP-hard problem,Scheduling course time tables for large modular courses is a complex problem which often has to be solved in university departments. This is usually done ‘by hand’, taking several days or week of iterative repair and after feedback from students complaining that the time table is unfair to them in some way. Which we in this research tried solving through conventional method (Result shows that the problem of conventional method) but at a certain level we recognized that solving timetabling problem with increased constraints is very difficult by conventional methods. A highly constrained combinatorial problem, timetabling can also be solved by evolutionary techniques. In this research we are showing evolutionary based genetic algorithm approach as an effective solution to solve course timetabling problem.
Index Terms—Genetic Algorithms, Meta-heuristic, Course Timetabling .
Reader, Department of Computer Science, Truba college of Engineering& Tech., Indore, India
Director, KCB Technical Academy, Indore
Group Director, Truba group of institutes, Indore
Cite: Ashish Jain, Dr. Suresh Jain and Dr. P.K. Chande, " Formulation of Genetic Algorithm to Generate Good Quality Course Timetable," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 248-251, 2010.